We will assist your application for registration of Trademarks/Service marks, Designs and Patent in Japan. We will also help to make the most of these rights after these registrations. For small businesses, IP right on their goods, services and products, and keeping the know-how secret and NDA(non-disclosure agreement) are very important.
Search for prior applications or registrations,
Appeal against the final rejection,
Trial(for cancellation by non-use, for invalidation),
Opposition against another person's registration,
Recording transfer of the right of pending applicaiton,
Registration of transfer of the Trademark right,
Renewal of Trademark right,
Sending warning letter to the person who is in infringement of the trademark rights,
Submitting a written opinion or amendment against a provisional refusal by JPO,
litigation rescinding a trial decision,
Monitoring service,
Search for the prior registrations,
Appeal against the final rejection,
Trial for invalidation,
Recording transfer of the right of pending applicaiton,
Registration of transfer of the Design rights,
Sending warning letter to the person who is in infringement of the Design rights
Copy right
Making up contract agreement,
Sending warning letter to the person who is in infringement of the copyrights,
Giving advice for protection of the copyrights
GI Protection
Patent & Utility Model
Procedures for entering into the national phase in Japan,
Search for prior applications or registrations,
Preparing argument and/or amendment against the refusal,
Appeal against the final rejection,
Trial(for invalidation),
Opposition against another person's registration,
Recording transfer of the right of the pending applicaiton,
Registration of transfer of the Patent or Utility Model right,
Sending warning letter to the person who is in infringement of the Patent or Utility Model rights,
Intellectual Property Consulting
Giving advice about how to file the IP application in order to get the proper right for your business, how to utilize and protect the rights of the intellectual properties and their business etc.
Licence contract and registration
Filing application for registration of the licence with JPO. To expand your business in Japan, registration of licence is important.
Creating logo
Setting up suitable designers for making successful marks, logos and advertising used in their business in Japan.